Campus Program
Curriculum: al-Arabiya Bayna Yadayk accompanied with books covering the sciences; Grammar, Morphology & Eloquency
Levels: 17
Level Duration: 40 hours
Days Per Level: 22 (5 days per week)
Groups: 5-8 Students per class
Exam Schedule: 1 written and 1 oral for each level
Official Certificate provided
Ijazaat for specific books
Covering the curriculum in a group of students from all over the globe in a close-knit, comfortable and focussed environment; as per the curriculum of al-Azhar University, confidently covering the speaking, reading, writing and listening of the Arabic Language.
Studies which accompany al-Arabiya Bayna Yadayk, are as follow;
معجم الطالب [The Student's Dictionary]
التراكيب اللغوية [Linguistic Compositions]
شرح الآجرومية [Commentary on al-Ajurumiyyah]
شرح قطر الندى [Commentary on Qatr-an Nada]
شرح البلاغة العربية [Commentary on Arabic Balagha]
الصرف العربية [Arabic Morphology]
Exam upon entrance to determine the level of each student.
An introductory level purely for learning to read the Arabic letters